We had a blast at hunting this year. Yes, it rained and was very cold at times, but we had a lot of fun. The kids kept asking me if we could permanently live there and never go back home. We did take time and do school work and the kids called me, Mrs. Mom and Grandma was the principle. Lucky her! We did get 3 bucks total and Cody ended up going with my Dad to help bring one back to camp. It turned into quite a day and a big hike for him. But he said he loved it and wanted to go again! He kept saying he finally saw BLACK CANYAN!
We played games, watched movies, and had lot's of candy. So it was a really good trip!
As for the picture of my mom using the chain saw, she really wanted to try it. Scary huh? Mom gave me alot of laughs this trip. Some stories all I have to do is remember it and I start laughing!! You know which one I am talking about right mom?!?!