Saturday, November 22, 2008

This is Dakota. We have had her since July of this year. At first she was a real challenge. But after getting used to each other, she is really a sweetheart! Her and Terry are best buddies. She LOVES to be with Terry. They have now bonded over two duck hunting adventures. And proudly being able to say that Terry did get 3 ducks each time and Dakota retrieved most of them for him!! He was so excited and proud! Now if we could just get her so she isn't jealous of the cat!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This year was a lot of fun. I walked with Terry this year, ususally it's a Dad's only thing. But I think we made it to just about every house in the neighborhood. I can't believe how much candy they got! It's driving them nuts to just see it sitting there. They just want to devour it. Little do they know I have been slowly taking candy out of there bags and saving it for there harvest party's at school!!! Cody chose to be the dark night this year and surprisingly Logan chose the yellow Jungle Fury Power ranger. She was really excited when she trick or treated at a house and the guy asked if she was from Jungle Fury!! She came back saying "Mom he knew where my costume it from!".

Thursday, October 16, 2008

We had a blast at hunting this year. Yes, it rained and was very cold at times, but we had a lot of fun. The kids kept asking me if we could permanently live there and never go back home. We did take time and do school work and the kids called me, Mrs. Mom and Grandma was the principle. Lucky her! We did get 3 bucks total and Cody ended up going with my Dad to help bring one back to camp. It turned into quite a day and a big hike for him. But he said he loved it and wanted to go again! He kept saying he finally saw BLACK CANYAN!
We played games, watched movies, and had lot's of candy. So it was a really good trip!
As for the picture of my mom using the chain saw, she really wanted to try it. Scary huh? Mom gave me alot of laughs this trip. Some stories all I have to do is remember it and I start laughing!! You know which one I am talking about right mom?!?!

Monday, October 13, 2008

I had to post these two pictures, because I think they are cute. These two have such a love/hate relationship and this time they loved each other. They were both sitting at the computer playing a game and Avery loves to rub Cody's head. We just walked back from the park and they held hands the entire way and had there own conversation going the entire time!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Yes, I know it is almost October, but since I just created this blog, here is a picture of the kids on the first day of school Logan is in 2nd grade this year and doing great. Cody is in Kindergaten and loves riding the bus with his sister. Yes that's right I did say Kindergaten which makes him 5 years old. Logan is 7 and loves to call Cody her little BIG brother!!!

Here is Logan at her first soccer game. She did great! Her team name is the Dragons!! They only have enough kids where they only can sub one out at a time. So she is really gettting to run off some energy!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

First time at blogging

Okay, this is my first time at blogging so hopefully I won't mess it up too bad. Right now I am listening to Logan, Cody, and Avery playing school. Yes Jodie trusted me with her child broken arm and all.

Logan is playing indoor soccer and her first game is tomorrow. She is very excited and nervous!! She is doing so well in 2nd grade this year. She seems to be making lot's of friends and really enjoys her teacher this year. Seems to be a lot smoother then last year.
Cody is enjoying Kindergarten this year also. I think between school and soccer he is able to use a lot of energy- which is a good thing.

I promise there will be pictures to come!!