This is Dakota. We have had her since July of this year. At first she was a real challenge. But after getting used to each other, she is really a sweetheart! Her and Terry are best buddies. She LOVES to be with Terry. They have now bonded over two duck hunting adventures. And proudly being able to say that Terry did get 3 ducks each time and Dakota retrieved most of them for him!! He was so excited and proud! Now if we could just get her so she isn't jealous of the cat!!!
Are you gonna update this thing anytime soon...or are you waiting for the kids to get to college?
Is the dog still technically new?? Has anything else happened since then? We've crowned a Super Bowl champion, elected a new President and celebrated the birth of our Savior...surely there's something else to blog about!!!
Hey look...the Martin's got a dog!!! Oh, wait, that's the same one from last November. Never mind...I guess they STILL haven't updated their blog.
When you say you've had Dakota since "...July of this year..." exactly what year is that?? It's been so long since you've updated that I'm not certain you can post like that without specifying the exact year or decade in which you published the information.
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