I guess that brings us into January which brought us back to school - YEAH! I just remember being glad to get out of the house and no kids for a couple of hours. January also brought us to a really fun sock - hop that was put on at our kids elementary school. They dressed up in the 50's and was actually really fun!! I teared up though, when one of Cody's many girlfriends asked him to dance. It was really cute. January also brought lot's of birthday's in my family. Happy B-day to Terry on the 29th!!
Okay, so now into February, (are you getting all of this Jess?) That came with lot's of Valentine Parties at school and lot's of homework for both of my kids this month. Logan is doing really well in school, but we are also starting an outside tutor with her. She is going to work with a friend of ours who is a retired school teacher and she is really excited, but nervous. She told me last night that she prayed about it and felt better. She did that all on her own too, she is growing up way too fast! Cody is doing good in school too! He is learning to read and loves to play at recess. So far with my work schedule I have been volunteering in Logan's class on Thursday's and Cody's on Fridays. It's fun getting to know the kids in there class!
More b-days in February- mine was the 10th and my dad's was the 17th!
Okay, now we are finally into March!! More fun in March, but can I say Happy Anniversary to me and my hubby on the 6th!!!! Yep, we have made it to 10 years!! Hopefully we get to go out to dinner and celebrate on Friday!! Love you honey!!
Dakota is still our dog, however somedays I wish she wasn't. She really needs to have a litter of puppies soon, or we are going to get her fixed. She is way to crazy for me for being 2 years old!!
So that's the Martin's in a nutshell over the last few months, sorry for not updating sooner, but I promise to be better about that. I'm sure I will get reminders from a certain someone!!!
Finally!!! We've been waiting and almost gave up and deleted you from the blog list. (just kidding)
Very nice! The next installment will no doubt include Logan's first kiss, Cody graduating to 7th grade, Logan's first prom, Cody getting his learners permit and you 20th anniversary. Hope I'm around to read it.
ya know, people that can actually keep up "their" blog so perfectly, don't have a life:)
Thanks for filling us in. We miss you guys!
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